We Do Modified High Performance LED Flashlights - SkyLumen54@gmail.com

Lux Signifer Charity

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Hello Friends,

United here as Lux Signifers / Light Bearers. Lets us share the light that are blessed to us. 100% of funding raised here will go to those in need. 

Here is what I can offer for each minimum $25 donation:


Efforts Record Below: 

1. 10.3.2016 White Center Food Bank $95

2. Winter 2016 Seattle Homeless  $500 

3. 4.24.2017 VHC (Vietnam Health Clinic) $100 

4. July7 - July27 2017 Random Vietnam street help $1000

5. September 2017 Hurricane Harvey, $500 shelter goods, $500 to Lakewood Church 

6. Winter 2017 Seattle Homeless  $500 

7. Summer 2019  HoopItForward.com $500

8. August 2109 Rice 4 Vietnam Flood Victims $1000

9. 12.20.2019 nguoicui.org $200

10. 2.3.2020 Covid19 Victims Via Manker Light $300

11. 4.22.2020 Renton Valley Hospital Meals for Medical workers $300

11.1.20 Vietnam Flood Victims $100

1.2.2021 Help needy anonymous US veteran $50 

1.15.21 School supplies for a poor child $100 

3.6.21 A Seattle homeless $100

3.19.20 Abandon child adoption support $300

3.19.20 Father Mau highland children $200 


8.16.2021 Helped needy foreign Covid19 Family $300  

10.8.21 40 case of baby formula for foreign Covid19 quarantined families  $340 

10.8.21 Helped multiple foreign Covid19 affected families with food $300

11.15.21 10 Gift packages for infants at a local NICU $300 

12.18.21 4 Backpacks for Afghans Refugees kids $60 

2.13.2022 Secretly paid for a random Seattle elder couple dinner  $50

5.16.2022 Provide cold drinks during 2022 Summer months to Delivery Personnels including USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, Amazon Prime... $200

5.27.2022 Tactical light donation to a Seattle Police Officer $200

June & July 2022 Random Appreciation Handouts: Waitress, "Homeless" children, senior street seller and a construction worker $200

August 2022: Purchased 2 used bicycle. Gave thorough tune up and then deliver to 2 low income kid. $65

10.25.2022 Subway tip $20 

10.27.2022 Da Nang flood victims $300

11.15.22 Anonymous Religious Group $500 

1.10.23 Hoopitforward $50

2.2.2023 StreetLove - Random Street Help $500

2.8.2023 NICU low income baby with heart issues $50 

3.1.2023 Funeral assistance to 2 families $200

5.15.23 Ultra low income highland children $300 

6.20.23 Fire Fighters Dinner Food Donation  $50 

7.28.23 Local house burnt to the ground donation $200 

12.22.23 Getaway trip for a 83year old senior with Stage 4 Cancer (She passed March 2024) $500

5.15.24 Tip to a random student working fast food. $20 

7.1.24 Hot meal and cash for a Elder homeless. $30

7.16.2024 Poor sick child. $100 

8.7.2024 A family man with stage 4 cancer in CA. $100

8.8.2024 95 year old last stride $300

8.15.2024 Popsicles/ice creme for low income housing kids $50 

10.7.2024 Help VN flood victims $75 

10.23.24 Very low income family with multiple children $150 

12.15.24 Shoes and jacket for new US immigrant $50

1.12.25 Cash for an elder female recycle collector $50

2.7.25 18 year old contemplate suicide after kicked out of house $100 

3.13.25 Low income middle age male stroke patient $300

Current Balance $2650

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